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Skyscanner is in my point of view the best tool to compare prices, airlines and flight duration.

It gives different options, so you can easily fidn the best deal for you. I like the option ” whole month”, so if you are flexible with the exact travel dates than this is the way to search for the best deals. It shows the price options per day, so you can check which day will be the cheapest.

Another amazing feature is, expecially if you dont know yet where to go and need some travel inspirations, search for ” everywhere ” in the destination. it gives you the best/ cheapest fares by destination.

Check it out and you might get inspired for your next trip

After living almost 10 years in the UAE, I have to admit that Emirates is one of my favourite airlines. Sometimes they have very good offeres, expecially for long haul flights. Emirates has a huge network, if you are plannign for multiple destinations, they have a “multi city ” option or maybe you just want to add a longer stop over in Dubai before continueing to your next destinations. Emirates offers Value for money.

You can also check out other websites like


Cheap flights with cashback




I usually use in order to book my hotels or hostels. You can easily compare diffenent hotels and prices, plus they have a lot of filter so you can get exactly what you are looking for. I only resently noticed that they also have a frequent traveller program. “Genius” which can give you up to 20% discount on participating hotel. I was already in Level 2 without noticing it .. and only found out when they told my that I have free breakfast included at my last stay .

Im also a fan of Marriott properties, they have about 30 brands and more than 8000 hotels wordwide, you can easily find a Hotel fitting to your budget and also earn points for . is also an amazing site expecially when you go for backpacking.

But there are also a lot of other websites where you can compare the best accomodation options. Just to name a few which you can check as well:


Car Rental

Planning of renting a car in your destiantion for a couple of days or even a roadtip

I only rented cars a few times, but I always foudn thebest deals with


In a lot of Destiantions, the sleeping buses are also very commen. I used those a lot especially in Asia and in Sount America. You are traveling a long distance , can sleep in the bus ( at least more or less ), actually saving 1 night hostel / hotel stay and reach inthe morning your new destination / city . There are many Bus companies and they usually have different classes as well. Sometimes its better to take th VIP / 1st class as its usually not a lot more, but it gives you a bit more comfort and you will actually be able to sleep.

Travel Insurance

Did you think about your Travel insurance ?!

Especially when you are younger this is probably the least thing you are thinking about, at least this was the case with me. However, its really important, you never know when sth will happen, doesnt always need to be health related. It could also be your luggage, flight canelation or phone. Especially after Covid a lot of countries actually require an health insurance. Better double check if there are any special requirement for the destintion you are going to.

What kind of insurance do I need

What kind of insurance you need really depends on many factors . The Destinatin country , how long you are traveling and what kind of Trip you are doing and maybe the equipment you are taking with you .

I would you look for an insurance has 24/7 assistance and an online claim claim system. ( Somebody, I met on one of my travels had an accident and broke his hip. He had an insurance but no 24/7 assistance, so he ended up waiting in the hospital for 3-4 days, can you imagine. He could not reach his insurance, because it ws a weekend. The hospital didnt want to do anything until they got the full coverage from him or the insurance. He could not even pay by credit card as he had a limit of 1000 Euro per day .. and the hospital wanted about 5000 Euro… I think after experiencing this, it clicked in my mind and I saw the importance of travel health.

Most of the insurance only allow you to purchase them before you travel. For those of you who already left their homecountry, I only found one that is providing insurance coverage also afterwards, World Nomads . I mean there are some other smaller ones but they have restrictions on residencies and some even on the destination countries .

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