Travel Essentials – You should pack for your next trip

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Of one the questions, I always get asked is ” What should we take with us to ..” . The answer really depends on where are you going and for how long, but there there are few things that I always take with me when im traveling . I’m sharing with you the list of Items that are a must- pack for all my trips. Check them out:

Disinfection Wipes & Hand Sanitizer

I’m one of those people who, even before the pandemic, was traveling with handsanitizer and wipes . Some of my friends used to make fun but I think now everybody sees how useful they can be .

Waist Belt / Funny Pack

Keep your Money Safe. I always travel with one, even in the airplane I keep some money and my credit card close to me .

Tote Bag or small Back pack

Depending on where I’m traveling and for which purpose I have either a Tote Bag with zipper or a small back pack with me.

For Business trips, when I need to take my laptop and want to have some space for other things, I grab my Toto bag with me. I would suggest one with a zipper. It’s more secure.

For city Trips / Leisure trips or even when I go for backpacking I always take a small backpack with me. You can fit your water bottle , book , camera , jacket, umbrella. Whatever is necessary, plus you also have space for some souvenirs that you might pick up during the day.

Packing Cubes

Have you ever tried them ? At the beginning I did not really saw the sense in them but after I used them .. I will never go without them. It makes it so much easier to organize all the staff. You organize it by item or by day. However you want, but you should try it , I’m sure you will like it. Nowadays, you can find them literally everywhere.

Water Bottle

There are actually two types of water bottles that I’m using when traveling .

In some countries, where you might not always have access to drinking water or just want to be on the safe side. Check out the bottles with the integrated filter.

Another bottle which I always have with me is a foldable one. It is easy to carry and fits in every suitecase or bag.

E- Reader

Physical books are usually my prefered choice. However, when traveling it can get to heavy so the E- Reader are good alternatives. The are light and fit in every bag .

You can check out some E-reader options like Kindle or Kobo

Portable Charger / Powerbank

I’m sure everybody already had the situation, when you are on a trip or event and taking pictures or videos and than your battery is empty .

On one of my trips I went to a restaurant asking if they have a charger for my phone and I ended up spending a lot of money for F&B . You can only learn from your mistakes … so I got a powerbank .

There are many different ones. I have two, one normal one and one with solar. But I have to be honest , I usually only use the normal one. The solar one is more my emergency power supply.

Travel Medicine Kit

I don’t want to give a recommendation when it comes to medicine. However, just keep in mind that it might be a good idea to have certain items with you . I usually have something for pain , diarrhea and for blister

Travel Journal

Travel Journal. Especially when you are gone for a longer time period it really makes sense to have a travel journal. I write in it every evening or next morning. Date, where I’m , what I did , few highlights, maybe some new food I tried. So that I don’t forget . Its a nice memory

Travel Toiletry Bottles

I find the little containers for liquid and creams quite handy. I use them for shampoo, conditioner , body wash, body lotion , face cream, especially when you only go for a short trip or if you cannot or dont want to take so much weight .

Travel Pillow & Banket / Travel Pillow Scarf

Most of the people asked me why I’m taking pillow and blanket with me as even the hostels are providing it. Well , did you ever travel with a bus , or sleeping bus for a couple of ours ? That is why .

However even if you don’t need a blanket, you might still consider a travel pillow or travel pillow scarf for the flight

Mini Umbrella

The weather is sometimes unpredictable and can change quickly. I always have a Mini umbrella in my bag. It is small, doesn’t take a lot of space and can safe your day. By the way, I also sometimes used it as a Sunbrella .

Jacket ( Rainjacket )

Besides the umbrella I also have a jacket in my luggage.


I don’t think there is much to say, regardless if its a beach vacation or just a city tour. A hat is always needed.

Fast drying towel

Depending on where you are going, but I have at least always one with me. I use them as beach towels, or for backpacking, but than I usually have more than 1 with me 🙂

International adapter/ converter

Yes, believe it or not but not all countries have the some plug ( plug sockets) and voltage. so you better have one if you are traveling abroad

Other useful things you might consider to pack

Noise – Canceling Headphones or Earplugs

Want to sleep in the plane, but cannot because of the Engine noise ? Being in the hostel and a lot of people are talking ? You might want to consider getting noise canceling headphone or some earplugs .

Compression Socks

Especially for long flights so your feed don’t swell

Travel Passport Wallet

Really convenient to keep all your documents and important things together

Travel Lock

Depending on where are you going, but especially when you are going for backpacking, take a travel lock with you. In Some hostels you still need it for the lockers


Don’t forget your sunglasses .

Jewelry Box

Some travel require a bit of bling bling. For those cases I have a Jewelry box that fits into my suitecase. Its small and does not take up too much space

Jacket Gripper

Sometimes you don’t have enough space in you bag and carrying jackets or sweaters can be a bit of a husstle . A jacket gripper can help

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